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</= 1 kg. for personal consumption: 0 - 1 year; $2,000
</= 1 kg. under another charge: 1 - 10 years; $2,000

Cultivation or delivery or sale:

> 2.2 lbs.: 3 years MMS, possible 10 - 99 years; $25,000
> 100 lbs.: 5 years MMS; $50,000
> 500 lbs.: 15 years MMS, $200,000
> 1000 lbs.: life MMS


To minors: 2 - 20 years; $10,000
Within 3 miles of a school: 5 years*
Within 3 miles of a public housing project: 5 years*
*These sentences run consecutive to other sentences and cannot be probated.

Drug trafficking enterprise:

1st offense: 25 years - life; $50,000 - $1,000,000
2nd offense: life MMS

Paraphernalia possession: 0 - 1 year; $2,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months.



< 8 oz.: 0 - 90 days; $1,000
>/= 8 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $5,000
>/= 1 lb.: 0 - 5 years; $50,000
>/= 25 plants: 0 - 5 years, $50,000
On a school bus: 0 - 5 years; $50,000
Within 500 feet of school or recreation center: 0 - 5 years; $50,000

Manufacture or delivery or possession with intent to manufacture or deliver:

< 0.5 oz. for remuneration: 0 - 1 year; $5,000
>/= 0.5 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $5,000
>/= 1 oz.: 0 - 5 years; $50,000

Maintaining a structure or dwelling for manufacturing or delivery: 0 - 5 years; $50,000

Suspended imposition of sentence with 2 - 3 years of probation available for 1st offense if offense is a misdemeanor.

If the referendum of 1990 is overturned and the Ravin decision reinstated, </= 4 oz. will be decriminalized for personal possession.


Possession or use:

<2 lbs.: probation*; $750 - $150,000.
Possible: drug "rehabilitation," community service, urine tests.

Possession for sale:

<2 lbs.: 1.5 - 3 years; $750 - $150,000
>/= 2 lbs.: 2.5 - 7 years; $750 - $150,000
>4 lbs.: 4 - 10 years; $750 - $150,000

Sale or delivery for sale or transport for sale:

<2 lbs.: 2.5 - 7 years; $750 - $150,000
>/= 2 lbs.: 4 - 10 years; $750 - $150,000

Possession or sale in a "drug free zone," i.e., within 300 feet of a school, any public property within 1000 feet of a school, or at a school bus stop or on any bus which transports pupils to school: 1 additional year of prison plus $2000 - $150,000.

Production or cultivation:

<2 lbs.: probation or 9 months - 2 years; $750 - $150,000
>/= 2 lbs.: 1.5 - 3 years; $750 - $150,000
>4 lbs.: 2.5 - 7 years; $750 - $150,000

The Drug Medicalization, Prevention and Control Act of 1996 (Proposition 200) became effective on July 21, 1997. The Act provides that a 1st or 2nd time marijuana offender may not be imprisoned for simple possession or use, regardless of amount of marijuana. However, a court may sentence the person to probation* with court supervised drug "rehabilitation," a fine of $750 - $150,000, and/or community service. A person can be incarcerated if charged outside of the "possession or use" category.

Necessity defense: Section 13 - 417 of the Arizona Criminal and Traffic Law Manual, 1997 - 1998 edition, arguably allows a patient to tell a jury that s/he uses marijuana for medical purposes.

  *Probation: People placed on probation or early release generally must perform 24 - 360 hours of community service.


Possession: </= 1 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $1,000

Cultivation or delivery or sale:

> 1 oz.: 4 - 10 years; $25,000
>/= 10 lbs.: 5 - 20 years; $15,000 - $50,000
>/= 100 lbs.: 6 - 30 years; $15,000 - $100,000

Sale to minor: 5 - 20 years; $15,000

Sale within 1000 feet of a school, public park, community or recreation center, skating rink, or video arcade: 5 - 20 years; $15,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months.



</= 28.5 grams: $100; no booking if you can show officer I.D. and promise to appear in court.
</= 28.5 grams on school grounds when school is open: $250; 2nd offense: 10 days; $500
> 28.5 grams: 0 - 6 months; $500
Possession for sale: no specified amount: 16 months; 2 - 3 years probation.


For personal use only: stay of imposition of the conviction, drug education, charges dropped.
Not for personal use: 0 - 16 months; 2 - 3 years probation possible. No plant number or weight breakdown.

Selling, giving away, importing, or transporting into California: 2 - 4 years.

All marijuana offenses: probation available; driver's license suspended 6 months.

Possession or cultivation or transportation is legal upon a doctor's recommendation or approval.



< 1 oz.: $100 plus surcharge
>/= 1 oz.: 0 - 2 years in county jail; $500 - $5,000 fine plus surcharge
>/= 8 oz.: 1 - 4 years; $1,000 - $100,000 plus surcharge
Generally, one prior conviction over 1 oz. doubles the penalties.

Cultivation or manufacture or delivery or sale:

</= 100 lbs.: 2 - 8 years in Department of Corrections; $2,000 - $500,000 plus surcharge >100 lbs.: 24 years MMS; $5,000 - $1,000,000
Two prior violations involving manufacture: 2 years MMS

Proof of sale: 1 - 16 years

Sale or giving marijuana to person aged 15 years or younger:

2 - 8 years; $2,000 - $500,000 plus up to another $5,000


Sale or possession of paraphernalia: $100 plus surcharge

Extraordinary mitigating or aggravating circumstances allow the court to sentence outside proscribed sentencing ranges.



</= 4 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $1,000. 2nd offense: 0 - 5 years; $3,000
>/= 4 oz.: 0 - 5 years; $2,000. 2nd offense: 0 - 10 years; $5,000
Possession of any amount within 1500 feet of a school: add 2 years MMS consecutive to other incarceration

Cultivation or delivery or sale:

< 1 kg.: 0 - 7 years; $25,000
>/= 1 kg.: 5 - 20 years MMS; $2,000
>/= 4 oz., 2nd offense: 0 - 10 years; $5,000

Paraphernalia possession: 90 days; $500

Within 1500 feet of a school: additional 1 year MMS consecutive to other incarceration.

Professional licenses suspended.

Medical necessity, § 21a - 253, C.G.S. states a person may possess a quantity of marijuana less than or equal to that quantity prescribed by a physician who is licensed to supply marijuana for treating glaucoma or side effects of chemotherapy.


Possession of any amount: 0 - 6 months; $1,150

Cultivation: 0 - 5 years; $10,000


>/= 5 lbs.: 3 years MMS; $25,000
>/= 100 lbs.: 5 years MMS; $50,000
>/= 500 lbs.: 15 years MMS; $100,000


Of any amount: 5 years; $10,000
Delivery to a minor: 0 - 5 years

If minor is under 16, 1 year MMS
If minor is under 14, 2 years MMS

Delivery or distribution within 1000 feet of school: 0 - 30 years; $250,000

Delivery or distribution or possession within 300 feet of park land, a park, or recreation area: 0 - 15 years; $250,000


Possession: 0 - 1 year; $2,300
Manufacture or delivery: 0 - 2 years
Delivery to a minor: 0 - 5 years

Maintaining a dwelling or vehicle in which marijuana smoking or other marijuana related conduct occurs: 0 - 3 years; court's discretion on fine.

Suspended sentences possible except for trafficking.


Possession of any amount:

0 - 180 days; $1,000. 1st time possession offenders are eligible for probation followed by dismissal.

Cultivation or delivery or sale of any amount: 0 - 1 year; $10,000

Sale to minor: penalty doubles


Possession: 0 - 1 year; $500
Delivery to a minor: 0 - 8 years; $15,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months.



</= 20 g.: 0 - 1 year; $1,000
> 20 g.: 0 - 5 years; $5,000

Sale of any amount: 0 - 5 years; $5000


</= 20 g. without remuneration: 0 - 1 year; $1,000
Paraphernalia to minor: 15 years; $10,000
Within 200 feet of school, public housing, or public park: 15 years; $10,000


>/= 50 - </= 2000 lbs.: 0 - 30 years; $25,000
> 2,000 lbs.: 0 - 30 years; larger fine
> 10,000 lbs.: >/= 15 years MMS; $200,000

Paraphernalia possession: 0 - 1 year; $1,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months.

Professional licenses suspended.

A vehicle can be confiscated for any felony amount.


Possession or sale:

< 1 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $1,000. If arrested in a municipality you can choose to appear in city court instead of state court: maximum 60 days; $500 >/= 1 oz.: 1 - 10 years; $1,000
>5 lb.: 3 years MMS; $25,000
>100 lb.: 5 years MMS; $50,000
>500 lb.: 15 years MMS; $100,000

Paraphernalia possession:

0 - 1 year; $1,000
Third offense: 1 - 5 years; $5,000

Cultivation: 0 - 10 years; $100,000

Trafficking: Includes the sale, manufacture, growth, delivery, import of marijuana into Georgia or any quantity of marijuana > 50 lbs:

> 50 lbs. -  < 2,000 lbs.: 5 years MMS plus $100,000
>/= 2,000 lbs. -  < 10,000 lbs.: 7 years MMS plus $250,000
>/= 10,000 lbs.: 15 years MMS plus $1,000,000

Use of a communications facility (i.e., telephone, radio, etc.) during drug felony may add 1 - 4 years; $30,000

Manufacture or distribute or dispense or possess with intent to distribute within 1000 feet of an elementary or secondary school, a school board used for elementary or secondary education, property owned or leased by an elementary or secondary school, or any park, playground, recreational center, drug free commercial zone: 0 - 20 years; $20,000

Manufacture or distribution involving a minor: 5 - 20 years; $20,000

Driver's license suspended at least 6 months; license reinstated only with "treatment."

Professional licenses suspended.

2nd drug felony is punishable by life in prison.