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< 100 grams: $100
>/= 100 grams: $250
>/= 200 grams: 6 months - 1 year
> 1,000 grams: 1 - 5 years
> 5,000 grams: Presumption of prison
> 20,000 grams: 8 years MMS

"Corrupting another with drugs": 6 - 18 months

Sale or cultivation:

< 200 grams: 6 - 12 months, subsequent offenses: 6 - 18 months
</= 1,000 grams: 6 - 18 months, 2nd offense: 1 - 5 years
>/= 5,000 grams - </= 20,000 grams: Presumption of prison
> 20,000 grams: 8 years MMS, 2nd offense: 10 years MMS

Sale to minor: 1 year; $1,000
Sale within 1,000 feet of school: 10 years MMS


Possession: 0 - 30 days; $250
Sale of paraphernalia to minor: 6 months; $1,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months - 5 years.

Professional licenses suspended.

Possession of any amount:

0 - 1 year; $500
2nd offense: 2 - 10 years; $5,000

Cultivation of any amount: 2 years - life; $20,000

Paraphernalia possession: 1 year; $1,000

Sale or delivery:

< 25 lb.: 4 years - life; $20,000
>/= 25 lbs.: 5 years - life; $25,000 - $100,000
>/= 1,000 lbs.: 5 years - life; $100,000  - $500,000
Sale to minor: penalty doubles
Sale within 1,000 feet of school: penalty doubles

Driver's license suspended.


< 1 oz.: $500 - $1,000
> 1 oz.: 0 - 10 years; $200,000

Manufacture: 0 - 20 years

Paraphernalia possession: 0 - 1 year; $5,000 criminal fine plus civil fine of $2,000 -  $5,000


< 5 grams: $500 - $1,000
> 5 grams: 0 - 1 year; $5,000
> 1 oz.: 0 - 10 years; $200,000


Sale of any amount: 0 - 10 years; $200,000
Sale to minor: 0 - 20 years; $300,000
Sale within 1,000 feet of school: 0 - 20 years; $300,000


</= 30 grams: 0 - 30 days; $500
> 30 grams: 0 - 1 year; $5,000

Cultivation, delivery or sale:
Fines will exceed amount listed to as sufficient to exhaust the proceeds of prohibited drug activity.

Any amount: 0 - 15 years; $250,000
>/= 2 lbs. or >/= 10 live plants: 1 year MMS; $5,000
>/= 10 lbs. or >/= 21 live plants: 3 years MMS; $15,000
>/= 50 lbs. or >/= 51 live plants: 5 years MMS; $50,000


Sale to minor: penalty doubles
Sale within 1,000 feet of school or college: 1 - 2 years MMS


Paraphernalia possession: 0 - 1 year; $5,000
Sale of paraphernalia to minor: 2 years; $5,000

Driver's license may be suspended 6 months.


< 1 kg.: 0 - 1 year; $200 - $500
>/= 1 kg. - </= 5 kg.: 10 - 50 years MMS and up to $500,000
> 5 kg.: 20 years - life MMS and </= $1,000,000

Manufacture or possession with intent to deliver: 0 - 30 years; $3,000 - $100,000

Sale to minor: 1 - 5 years; </= $10,000

Sale or possession within 1,000 feet of school: up to twice the listed penalty, but not to exceed life.

Driving while in possession of controlled substance:

1st offense: Driver's license suspended six months .
Subsequent offenses: 1 year suspension


</= 1 oz. marijuana or </= 10 grams hashish:

1st offense: 0 - 30 days and $100 - $200
Subsequent offense: 0 - 1; $200 - $1,000

Possession or sale of paraphernalia: $500 civil fine


>/= 100 plants: 25 years MMS - life; $25,000
> 1,000 plants: 25 years MMS - life; $50,000
> 10,000 plants: 25 - 30 years MMS; $200,000

Sale or delivery:

>/= 10 lbs brings presumption of trafficking
> 10 lbs. but < 100 lbs.: 1 - 10 years MMS; $10,000

2nd offense: 5 - 20 years MMS; $15,000
Subsequent offenses: 25 years MMS; $25,000

>/= 100 lbs.: 25 years MMS; $25,000
>/= 2,000 lbs.: 25 years MMS; $50,000
>/= 10,000 lbs.: 25 - 30 years MMS; $200,000
Sale to a minor: 0 - 10 years; $10,000
Sale within 1/2 mile radius of a school: 0 - 10 years; $10,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months for marijuana and hashish convictions.


</= 1 oz.: 0 - 30 days; $100 (misdemeanor)
< 8 oz.: 0 - 1; $1,000 (misdemeanor)
< 1 lb.: 0 - 2; $2,000 (felony)
</= 10 lbs.: 0 - 5 years; $5,000 (felony)
> 10 lbs.: 0 - 10 years; $10,000 (felony)

1st felony: minimum 30 days imprisonment.
2nd felony: 1 year MMS

Additional civil penalty of $10,000 for any possession offense. This is in addition to any criminal penalty imposed.

Cultivation or delivery or sale:

Transferring < 8 oz. without remuneration: 0 - 30 days (misdemeanor)
</= 1 oz.: 15 days - 1 year; $1,000 (misdemeanor)
< 8 oz.: 30 days - 2 years; $2,000 (felony)
< 1 lb.: 30 days - 5 years; $5,000 (felony)
>/= 1 lb.: 30 days - 10 years; $10,000 (felony)
Sale to minor: 5 years MMS; $5,000
Sale within 500 feet of a school, youth center, public pool, video arcade: 5 years MMS.

Paraphernalia: use or possession: 30 days; $100

Driver's license suspended 90 days


</= 0.5 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $250 minimum
2nd offense: $500 minimum
Subsequent offense: $750 minimum

Cultivation deliver or Sale:

</= 0.5 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $250 minimum
> 0.5 oz. or < 2 lbs. hashish: 1 - 5 years; $5,000
>/= 10 lbs. or </= 15 lbs. hashish: 4 - 10 years; $10,000
>/= 70 lbs. or > 15 lbs. hashish: 8 - 12 years and $200,000
>/= 700 lbs. or > 150 lbs. hashish: $500,000

Sale to minor under age 18: penalty classification moves one level higher.


Possession: 0 - 1 year; $2,500
Sale: 1 - 6 years; $3,000

Three prior felony drug convictions may place classify defendant as a "habitual drug offender." A habitual drug offender may be sentenced to the next higher punishment range and may be fined up to an additional $200,000.


</= 2 oz.: 0 - 180 days; $2,000
> 2 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $4,000
> 4 oz.: 180 days - 2 years; $10,000
> 5 lbs.: 2 - 10 years; $10,000
> 50 lbs.: 2 - 20 years; $10,000
> 2,000 lbs.: 5 - 99 years; $50,000

Sale or delivery:

< 0.25 oz. for no remuneration: 0 - 180 days; $1,500
< 0.25 oz. for remuneration: 0 - 1 year; $3,000
>/= 0.25 oz.: 180 days - 2 years; $10,000
>/= 5 lbs.: 2 - 20 years; $10,000
>/= 50 lbs.: 5 - 99 years; $10,000
>/= 2,000 lbs.: 10 - 99 years; $100,000
Sale to minor: 2 - 20 years; $10,000
Sale within 1,000 feet of school or 300 feet of youth center, public pool, video arcade: penalty doubles

Money Laundering:

Spending funds derived from the sale of more than 50 lbs. is in itself an offense punishable by 5 years - life or 99 years and a fine of $50,000 - $1,000,000.


Possession: $500
Sale: 0 - 1 year; $3,000

Driver's license suspended 6 months.


< 1 oz.: 0 - 6 months; $1,000
>/= 1 oz.: 0 - 1 year; $2,500
>/= 16 oz.: 0 - 5 years; $5,000
> 100 lbs.: 1 - 15 years; $10,000


0 - 5 years; $10,000
Sale within 1,000 feet of school, public park, amusement park, recreation center, church, synagogue, shopping mall, sports facility, theater, or public parking lot increases level of offense by one degree.

Possession or sale with minor present: 5 years MMS


Possession: 6 months; $1,000
Sale: 1 year; $2,500
Sale to minor: 0 - 5 years; $5,000